Wednesday, July 16, 2008

much about nothing

blind pilot. thanks levi. very very good. very very me.

i think it's funny that after all of me being upset today and feeling like injustice was about to spring a wide open well and swallow me, i opened up to read "Don't ever say, 'I'll get you for that!' Wait for God. He'll settle the score."

ethos water. buy it. drink it. help children get clean water.

i think i am itching again to move. good thing i am next weekish.

i hate itching. especially in the middle of the night when i'm sooooo tired and all i want to do is sleep, but my legs itch from the insane amount of big bites i aquired whilst laying in a hammock.
my abs hate me after their workout this evening. they WILL most likely murder me tomorrow.

with two cases of TB and working 2 doctors and 3 nurses short this week gave me only the slightest touch of what real life could be like for me some day. I'm exhausted now, does that mean i won't make it? or simply that one day i'll be stronger.

another country awaits me. i can feel it. i wonder which one?

i think i really like being single right now. a lot. that kind of scares me. in a really odd good way.

i still dream about him. even in my dreams he's yelling at me.

i think i didn't just sprain my ankle. pretty much on the positive side that it's broken. yay!

three things i want but don't really need in the next 6 months: a new camera. a new guitar. a new stamp in my passport.

ok ok i'm not really writing at all, i'm cheating with my random thoughts. i suppose i'm either a) unsorted out in my thinking or b) don't have any huge thoughts of significance right now. i haven't written in a while. that usually means i'm happy and busy. so that is safe to say that is good.

deep blue. for whatever reasons i love those two words together. invokes alot. maybe i'll name my band that.
and there i go with my random thoughts again.

and here i go sparing you. :)

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