Sunday, June 29, 2008

I'm a big fan of this thing called life.

This is one of those days where I'm really not sure where to start.

He emailed me today.

There's a start for you. And it punched to the chest like I always knew it would, but I didn't fall down. I'm still breathing.

There's a start for me.

I went about my business like I wanted to. I didn't spaz out or cry. I let a few friends know, simply for support in saying what I was doing was the right thing. And I carried on.

I'm a big fan of this thing called life.

There is a Work that is stirring and creating and changing, and I am so happy to be along for the ride. A ride that is moving forward not backward. Just like my car last night. "This is not a shallow conversation car." And that's right. It's not. I'm not. Let's get to the point and let's get going for there is really so much to be done.

And that makes me happy.

To watch yourself be used as a piece of a bigger picture is something great and unexchangeable and intangible that I hope I get to experience over and over again. To be given a chance to understand there is so much more to this than me has quite simply changed my life.

And I suppose that's why I wasn't left reeling today when he came out of no where. I suppose that's why I'm excited for tomorrow and the day after and the day after. I'm especially excited that the only Hand I can hold right now is not human, and yet so is.

I am enjoying the twists and wrenches and bursts of color and love that are pouring forth out of a new understanding of what I am all about. I am beautiful. I am changed. There is more to me than you. There is more to You than me.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this. I was directed here via your myspace profile and via a myspace bulletin. Nice blog.
