Friday, June 27, 2008

make poverty history:tell world leaders to act


I just signed a petition asking the G8 take urgent action against extreme poverty, and I'm hoping that you'll join me.

Sign the petition now at:
There has been a lot of progress against extreme poverty in recent years, but, as recent headlines about the global food crisis will tell you, there is still much to be done.
When we unite with one voice and call upon our leaders to take action, we can and will solve these problems.



Earlier this month, Oxfam and other global poverty groups met with Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda. At this meeting, we handed him a global petition with over 575,000 signatures calling on world leaders to take strong action against climate change.

While we delivered the initial petition to Prime Minister Fukuda, we want to grow the petition to ONE MILLION concerned citizens worldwide before the leaders of the eight richest countries (the G8) meet in early July.

Our growing petition has the power to put climate change and poverty at the center of the debate at the G8 Summit. The summit coincides with the famous Japanese Tanabata festival, where people tie written wishes to bamboo trees. We’ll present the petition as our fervent wish: that the G8 leaders commit to ending global poverty and fighting climate change.

Send this petition at
The world can't wait for urgent action on climate change, and it is your responsibility to take the lead. We urge you to set targets to cut greenhouse gases by 2020, in line with what scientists say is needed to avert a climate catastrophe. Rich countries must help developing countries adapt and embrace a clean-energy future, and all must do their fair share to reduce emissions in time. Our common humanity demands nothing less.

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