Sunday, August 10, 2008

…and there’s this burning, just like there’s always been, I’ve never been so alone, alone and I’ve and I’ve, I’ve never been so alive. So alive.
Pay off school loans.
Have 3 months salary in savings.
Get better at guitar.
Write enough songs for an entire album.
Record said album.
Paint the ideas in my head.
Become a good listener.
Become a good friend/sister/daughter/cousin/granddaughter/niece.
Find a way to pay to go back to school.
Get my RN.
Go to leadership college for missions.
Become fluent again in Spanish.
Become fluent in French and German.
Live in another country.
Live in another country on the ocean.
Become good at surfing/ocean photography.
Not get annihilated by a shark during any of above listed ocean activities.
Be a life changing tool in someone else’s life, part of a “pivot” moment.
Have a child, my own or adopted.
Preferably get married if the latter is my own. If adopting, I’m open on the whole marriage subject. You understand I’m sure.
If referring to above marriage subject, marry someone from another country with a fantastic accent. Or blue eyes.
Be open to changing any of above listed plans if a greater goal emerges.

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